uploads/lotus position.jpg

lotus position (瑜伽派的)盤腿打坐。


During any type of menial task that you dont really have to think about , where your mind can wander , you can meditate . you dont just have to sit in the lotus position and stare at a candle 當我們從事任何只需要體力的工作時,由于不需要費腦力,就可以用來打坐,所以不一定要盤腿凝視著燭光才算打坐。

Different tradition has different way of practicing meditation . in buddhism ' s4 tradition , it involves putting the body in a special position , such as the seated , cross - legged lotus position 不同的傳統有不同的靜坐方式。在佛教的傳統里,則包括了雙腿盤坐的蓮花坐姿。